Vital records

Excerpts from church/state vital records

This page contains excerpts from church and state records and documents (births,marriages and deaths). I wasn't transcribing all records but only these which contained people somehow related to my family. Data may contain some misspellings (especially latin and german names and words). Most of firstnames were translated into Polish (from Latin and German). Missing data may mean that it hasn't been transcribed, but it may still be in original records.

Data contains Polish letters such as ±,ź,³,ó,¶,... so phrase "zajaczek" instead of "zaj±czek" may return empty set of results, sorry...


Vital records


AP / Ko¼min (53) 53 / 1853 16 sep Ko¼min 1 oct Wac³aw Sipiński Sebastian Sipiński, lignifaber Franciszka Gaworska m c Tomasz Chwia³kowski Maria Wojciechowska
AP / Ko¼min 47 / 1862 20 mar Ko¼min Marianna Sipińska Stanis³aw Sipiński Jadwiga Ekowska Jan Sipiński Marianna Ekowska
/ USC Poznań Miasto t.2 761 / 1880 20 apr Poznań Stanis³aw Sipiński Wac³aw Sipiński, Tischler Katarzyna Zaj±czek akt 4 apr 1880, zg³osi³a Habaman... Antonia Smukowska geb Sobocińska wh. Posen Fisherei 7 daB von der Katharina Sipińska geb. Zaj±czek Ehefrau des Thischlers Wac³aw Sipiński beide kath. religion wohnhaft zu St.Lazarus No 1 bei Posen in der Elisabeth Anhal


AP / Kostrzyn 17 / 1837 22 oct Kostrzyn Klemens Sipiński 26 Agnieszka Kamińska
AP / Ko¼min 23 / 1862 28 nov Ko¼min Sebastian Sipiński 49 viduus Ma³gorzata Ra¶ny (Reisner?) vidua Tadeusz ..., Joanna Sipińska


AP / Ko¼min 24 / 1852 10 mar Ko¼min Maria Sipińska 2 l 3 m Franciszek Sipiński Katarzyna febra
AP / Ko¼min 313 / 1852 29 sep Ko¼min Stanis³aw Sipiński 5m Sebastian Sipiński Franciszka Stanislaus
AP / Ko¼min 74 / 1853 27 jun Ko¼min Florentyna Sipińska 2 Pawe³ Sipiński Konstancja chrosty
AP / Ko¼min 74 / 1862 Ko¼min Pawe³ Sipiński

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